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How To Pronounce : SALONIXTON



Hello Everyone!

My name is Nicholas Brooks and if you just so happen to stumble across my website, then welcome to Salonixton!



I am 23 years old

Born and raised in New Jersey.

I was born on Halloween!

"Salonixton" is a made up word I randomly thought of when I was 16 years old. The idea of the word started when I tried pronouncing my name backwards, "Salohcin".

Don't ask me how I got Salonixton from that cause I don't personally know myself haha.



I've always had a passion and love for the art behind a camera ever since I was little. I studied photography and design all throughout my high school years and then I achieved a certificate in Design and Visual Communication at a vocational technical school in 2021. I hope to showcase my work with as many people as possible and get my name out there. My shop is available to any of those who like what I have created and want my artwork in your possession. If you need an event photographer, personal photographer, animal/pet, baby photographer etc. I hope you can give me that opportunity!

Thank You! :)






Nicholas Brooks : Salonixton

© 2023 by Nicholas Brooks. Created with

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